Aug 28,2016 7:04 pm
"You were with me.
Thank You!"
GOD, last
night I was almost
attacked by some
strange man. I know
you where watching
me because as so as
he grab me a police
man showed up to
stop him. THANK YOU
SOO MUCH. I feel
like it had
something to do with
me going to church
yesterday morning
because I felt you
there. Please
continue to watch
over me. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 7:02 pm
"Your Angel marie"
GOD, its me.
Please tell my wife
Marie who is up
there with you now
that I miss her soo
much and I love her
deeply. Please tell
her that I finally
stopped smoking
after all these
years of her asking
me and I finally got
around to finishing
the patio. Tell her
that it is soo
pretty and that she
was right, it did
needed to be painted
white. I really miss
her and I can''t
wait to see her
again. PHM... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 7:01 pm
I have 2 cats that
disappeared about 6
months ago. I've
done everything
along with prayer to
get them back or at
least know what
happened to them. I
have 2 pieces of my
heart missing and
I''m devistated. I
thank you for
everything I do have
and just want my
boys to come home,
God PHM.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 7:00 pm
"Dems or Reps just
make it good"
Normally I do
not pray for
Politics. But Please
help guide the
country back on the
right path. I
don\\''t care
who is in office
Dems or Reps, I just
want things to get
better so that my
daughter can have a
life that is better
than my own.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:58 pm
I have a
daughter name Sidney
who has been in and
out of jail for the
past 4years. She was
on the run for 3
months and they
picked her up and
took her to jail.
She has court
tomorrow on what
they are going to do
with her. She was on
meth for the past
two months. When i
saw her she look
like she was on
deaths door. It
killed me on the end
side to see my
daughter this way.
Please pray for her
to get threw this
and God has his hand
in this. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:58 pm
"Just wisdom"
I feel very
lost in this moment
I have been living
by the book not
breaking any laws or
doing anything
wrong, I only wish
for an honest job so
I can help put food
on the table and not
have to leave school
and at least make
enough so we can buy
at least one good
pair of pant this
year! I'm tired of
sowing up are old
pant's there only
so many times you
can do this! I not
looking for wealth,
Just wisdom!... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:56 pm
"she is not a
Christian but she
needs you"
Please Pray
for my Friend. she
is not a Christian
and she is very
depressed and does
not like her self at
all. She had a
friend that passed
away last weekend.
Please keep her in
ur prayers thanks :)
PHM... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:55 pm
"My Son"
Please watch over my
son. He is not
hanging with the
right group of
friends and he is
starting to act out
at school and at
home. I do not know
what to do with him
but I am asking for
you guidance. Please
give me the strength
to be a good mother
and help me guide my
son back onto the
right path.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:54 pm
"School Bullies"
I pray to you a lot.
The kids at my
school constantly
pick on me and this
boy that I like is
starting to join in
on the teasing. I
really do not know
what to do.
Sometimes I feel
like things would be
better if I was not
around. I know that
this way of thinking
is wrong but I can
not take feeling
alone anymore. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:53 pm
God, I want to
be a better man. I
have done some
really bad things in
my life and I really
want to change. I
ask you now for your
ME. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:52 pm
"Stop me from
GOD, Please
help me stop
drinking. I try and
I try but I can not
stop. It has been a
long battle and I
lost a lot of
friends because of
it and now I could
lose my wife.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:51 pm
"Help me"
GOD, I''m
about to lose my
house and it would
be really really
helpful if you could
come back into my
life. I haven't had
much of a
relationship with
you but I have no
where else to go. I
am crying right now
as I write this
because I really
need your help.
Please come back
into my life. I
really miss you.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:50 pm
"I pray for familes
of 9/11"
God, I just
want to say please
be with all of the
families affected by
9/11. Normally when
I talk to you its
about myself but
today , I got to
pray for someone
else. Please watch
over us and bless
America. We really
really need you
right now.... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:49 pm
"Me and my mom"
I really need
someone to talk to
and that will listen
to me. Me and my mom
are never on the
same page, and I
wish I had a
relationship with
her. I need some
guidance on how to
build one. I just
want to feel like
she loves me
sometimes, instead
of always thinking
that I am a
nuisance. I need
some help. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:47 pm
"I care about him"
God, someone I care
about is really lost
right now, and he
needs your help.
I've realized that
he is still
searching for who he
is, and it is the
reason for the bad
choices that he
makes. I love
him so much, but
there are so many
outside forces that
are affecting his
state of mind, and
he needs help to see
through them. I've
tried to help, but
it doesn't change
anything. ... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:44 pm
"hard time at work"
I'm really having a
hard time at work.
It is like nobody
likes me there and
every assignment I
get I always mess up
on. I just got out
of College and I
thought this is what
I wanted to do with
the rest of my life.
Now I am not so sure
and I can''t
afford to quit with
the economy soo bad.
Please God help me
be more successful
at my job and in my
life. PHM... Full Message
Aug 28,2016 6:33 pm
"God I am having a
trouble believing"
God please give me
more faith...
Aug 28,2016 6:21 pm
"Praying for a job"
God Please help me
get a good job...