Feb 05,2012 6:36 pm
"Heal Us Back As A
Dear God, I know you
have spoken to me
and him. I want to
keep beleiving you
are working for us
to get back
together. He had
been texting me this
week up until last
night. You know how
much I love him and
want us to be back
together as a
family. It has been
too long since we
seperated and Im
starting to lose
hope again. Please
remove Mayra
completely out of
his life. Im
starting to think
the reason he starts
missing me and
texting him is
because they argue
or either break up
and then when he
stops, they are ok
with each other. We
were together 11 yrs
and have a special
needs child God,
please reunite us
and bless our family
so we can finally
get married... Full Message
Feb 05,2012 4:25 pm
GOD, I know the
person below me
prayed for the
Patriots to win but
I DO go to church
every weekend and I
also take part in
the my churches
youth center. Please
GOD ignore the guy
below me and let the
Giants win this.
Thanks... Full Message
Feb 05,2012 4:22 pm
"GO Patriots"
GOD, please let the
Patriots win the
Super Bowl. I
promise I will go to
church every Sunday
and quit smoking if
you can do me this
one favor. Thank you
GOD. You are the
best. AMEN... Full Message
Feb 04,2012 6:29 pm
Hey Everyone, I
thought I would post
this message on the
homepage so that
everyone can see
this. I just wanted
to say that I love
this site. Ever
since signing up I
have been addicted
to hearing all of my
friends storyies and
prayers. I really
wanted to thank the
people behind this
site and thank you
guys for making it.
May GOD bless you
all.... Full Message
Feb 03,2012 2:36 pm
"Work Prayers"
GOD, I just want to
take you for
answering my earlier
prayer request about
helping me find a
job. You have really
came into my life
and blessed my
family with such a
perfect position
that is exactly what
I wanted. I am
making above the
amount of my last
job and I have more
time off to spend
with my family. The
job is even closer
to home than my last
one. Than you so
much for helping me.
I truly believe in
you and you are an
awesome God so much
so that I had to
post this message
publicly and not in
my Spiritual Journal
because I wanted the
world to see how
good you have been
too me. Thank you
soo much... Full Message
Feb 03,2012 2:24 pm
"An Overcomer"
Father in heaven,
thank you for making
me a new creation.
Thank you for
empowering me to
live my life as an
overcomer. I give
this day to you and
ask that you help me
to fully understand
the plan you have
for me. Please stay
by my side. In
Jesus’ name
I also want a prayer
message for my
friend Jody. She is
having a hard time
with life and I
really wish her the
best. Thank you GOD.
Love and Amen.... Full Message
Feb 01,2012 8:36 pm
God, my friends
little sister just
got murder
yesterday. We all
are to the point
where we can't even
feel anything
anymore. God I ask
you please find the
person who did this
and bring them to
justice. This is not
the way life should
be. Good people
arent supposed to
die. Please God
Please hear my
prayer. Help bring
closure to our
lives. I can't even
explain how much
this hurts.... Full Message
Jan 31,2012 6:13 am
"Please help me god"
please dear god
help me.....i lost
my job...
Jan 31,2012 6:02 am
"I really miss my
school days"
I want to go back in
my school days..want
to enjoy ,and want
to meet my scool
Jan 30,2012 6:33 am
"Through my
Heavenly Father,
thank You for Your
faithfulness in my
life. Thank You for
walking with me even
in the hard times. I
trust that You are
taking me through
my circumstances to
a place of victory
and strength in
Jesus’ name.
Amen.... Full Message
Jan 27,2012 7:04 pm
"I am Lost and broken"
Am a 24 year old
orphan, my mother
was a single parent
who raised me and my
2 sisters, she died
when i was 18 and
everything she left
for us was taken
away by our
relatives, i left my
country with the
hope that i might
get a job, to help
my sisters, but 6
years now, i have no
job, no place to
call home, i have
been moving from one
place to
another,every job i
apply i get
rejected,even the
small money i save
to start something
either get stolen or
the business
crumble.Right now i
am not even sure how
to get food to eat
the next day, all i
have is a secondary
school certificate,
which can not even
get me a cleaning
job here in Ghana. i
cant go home,
because there is a
serious religious
fight and Christians
are been killed
right now my only
friend who has been
helping me with a
place to sleep, has
told me he is moving
to his parents
places so i have ... Full Message
Jan 27,2012 2:55 am
"personal prayer"
you are jehova rapha
,am HIV posite since
2005.HEAR my prayer
heal and deliver me
from sickness.amen...
Jan 25,2012 5:35 pm
Please pray for me
My name is ericka
I am a single
mother of three
Please pray for me
so that no weapon
formed against me
will prosper and
every voice that
rises up against me
will be condemn
I need your prayers
and blessings
...because there are
people that whant to
harm us very
siriuosly please
pray so that GoD
will protect us in a
miracleless way
….. I am
strugling with a
really deep
depreression. I need
guidence from God
and wisdom, please
pray for me so that
I can Have victory
over all the
situations that I am
confronting at this
time, also for all
the petitions of my
hearth beacause we
know that Nothing is
Imposible to God.
Please pray so that
I can have a good
Godlly husband and
that I can find
grace,blessings from
the people at my
church and my pastor
and his family. And
thath all of them be
on my favor in a
miracleless wa... Full Message
Jan 25,2012 1:10 am
"Private Secretary
SP2 cross transfer
to Oshakati Higher
I have faith that
JESUS will find a
person with a
position of Private
Secretary SP2 from
Oshakati Higher
Court to make a
cross transfer with
me a Private
Secretary SP2 in the
Ministry of
Agriculture (Head
Office). Please pray
for me to have a
cross transfer for a
position of Private
Secretary SP2 as
soon as possible. I
am renting a room in
Windhoek but after
two month the owner
of the house are
increasing the
renting price now I
am tired to stay in
this expensive city.
pray for me to Jesus
to find for me a
person with the same
Position of mine in
the Ministry of
Justice Oshakati
Higher Court to come
to make a cross
transfer with
him/her. Or pray for
me to Jesus Christus
to bring back the
law that all the
Private Secretary
who want to work in
Ovamboland must
applied a cross
tran... Full Message
Jan 24,2012 11:51 pm
"LS and RH"
Please Lord I am
thankful for
everything that you
do, but I've been
in this place for so
long. Please
surprise me with
your goodness and
let LS speak to me.
I just ask for a
chance.... Full Message
Jan 24,2012 2:24 pm
"New Job"
I just had a couple
of interviews this
morning and I really
am hoping I get at
least one of them. I
know you been
watching over me so
I know you already
know times is hard.
I just ask you God
to do me this one
favor, please let me
get a job as soon as
possible Lord. I'm
barely making it by
now and I know I
wont be able to
survive this season
in my life no longer
if nothing change.
Please God, please
hear my plea.... Full Message
Jan 19,2012 6:23 am
"Abundant Life Today"
Father, thank You
for sending Your
Son, Jesus so that I
can have eternal
life. I know that
You want the best
for me. Help me to
keep my heart and
mind focused on You
so that I can walk
in Your ways all the
days of my life in
Jesus’ name.
Amen.... Full Message
Jan 18,2012 7:31 am
"Focus on You Father"
Father, thank You
for sending Your
Son, Jesus so that I
can have eternal
life. I know that
You want the best
for me. Help me to
keep my heart and
mind focused on You
so that I can walk
in Your ways all the
days of my life in
Jesus’ name.
Amen.... Full Message