Sep 29,2016 7:07 am
"Please help"
Please pray for my
Sep 22,2016 11:20 am
God, I'm praying
for Emma. She is
such a nice and
amazing person and
she is going through
a really hard time
right now. I pray
that you give her
the same strength
that you gave me
during my hard time.
Please help her.... Full Message
Sep 15,2016 5:41 am
"A friend got Fired"
Dear God,
My Friend got fired
yesterday and I pray
that you will be
with him. I pray
that you will help
guide him. I pray
that you will lift
up his spirits and
keep him on his way
to bigger and better
things. God Bless
him. Amen... Full Message
Sep 02,2016 11:48 am
"Stength for my
God my friend is
having a hard time
today. Please be
with her....
Aug 29,2016 12:20 pm
"Friend with Cancer"
GOD, I'm up early
thanking you for all
my blessings! Please
I pray that my best
friend w/skin cancer
gets great results
today via bloodwork....
Aug 29,2016 12:11 pm
God, JJ is addicted
to drugs, drinking,
and partying. I pray
JJ will repent of
this lifestyle and
be delivered from
addiction. I pray JJ
will be restored to
a relationship with
God. I bind the
enemy from JJ,
invite the Holy
Spirit to guide JJ,
and declare victory
over this situation
through the blood of
Jesus Christ.... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 9:51 am
Will you pray that
god will send me a
girl that loves me
for me and that god
will help me to take
care of her and
will you pray that
god will dill with
those how have done
me wrong and will
you pray that god
will send me a new
room meat soon and
will you pray that
god will add to the
youth at the church
i go to thankyou
all and god bless
you... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 7:27 am
"Bless me and
lord bless me and
benjamin return
him home to me in
jesus name let
me b able to
provide for him in
every way love ,
money, food,
patience, kindness
lord i love my
son so bad i wish
for him to just
come home to me n
barbara , jesus
name... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 7:25 am
"lord bless"
lord bless derrick
dunn n westly
hylton in jesus
name restore
watever u fore see
in jesus name...
Aug 29,2016 6:13 am
"My Best Friend"
God, my best friend
is going to jail for
a crime I know he
did not commit. I
will pray for him
and his family and
the family of the
victim. God please I
beg you to let the
truth come out and
have the real killer
be brought to
justice. Please hear
me and give him
strength.... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 6:11 am
"Lost my Partner"
Help GOD, I am a
police officer and
yesterday I lost my
partner in the line
of duty. Please
watch over his wife
and kids, and make
sure that will be
alright. I will try
my best but I am
still asking for you
help... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 6:07 am
"Scared to Death"
I think I have an
STD. I know I
should've not be
having sex in the
first place but
everyone is doing it
and now I am scared
to tell my mom. It
really really hurts
down there and I do
not know what to do.
Is this your way of
punishing me. If so
I am sorry.... Full Message
Aug 29,2016 5:34 am
"My heart is broke
without them."
God please put your
hand on my family.
So that all my
children an family
can be together
soon. I miss them so
much. My heart is
broke without them.
Please pray...
Aug 28,2016 6:56 pm
"she is not a
Christian but she
needs you"
Please Pray
for my Friend. she
is not a Christian
and she is very
depressed and does
not like her self at
all. She had a
friend that passed
away last weekend.
Please keep her in
ur prayers thanks :)
PHM... Full Message
Aug 27,2016 9:23 am
"Help out my friend"
God Please help my
friend. She is
having a lot of
money issues and she
could really use
your help right now.
Love you...
Feb 16,2012 2:44 pm

God, please help my
friend Mary who just
lost her job. She
was with a company
for 20 years and now
they have just let
her go. I feel
really bad about
this whole thing and
I just pray that you
will hear me now and
let her quickly find
another job. Many
people are suffering
down here lord, and
we really believe
you in and fellow
your way. Please
help us.... Full Message
Feb 14,2012 2:14 pm
"In love with my
It is valentines day
and I just pray that
when I ask my friend
who has been in my
life through the
divorce, the fight
with cancer, and all
of the ups-and-downs
of life, to be my
valentines that she
will say yes. God
please hear my
prayer and make my
wish come true. Amen... Full Message