

Aug 29,2016  6:26 am
"PHM" GOD, please hear me. My husband is a crack addict and my daughter is a prostitute. We lived a very hard life and its tough being the glue that keeps the family together. I feel like I am breaking down inside and I really need you to lay your hands on us and bless us with your favor. Please help get Stan off of drugs and please help save my daughter Anna from her dangerous lifestyle before she gets hurt. PHM... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  6:25 am
"Going through a divorce" I'm going through a divorce and I know it is a sin for us to split in your eyes but forgive me. I tried my best to be the good wife but it just wasn't good enough. Please have mercy on my soul. Thanks... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  6:16 am
"My Son court verdict" God, today is a sad day for our judicial system. They are about to execute an innocent man. He is guilty of other offences but not the one he is being executed for. There is evidence proving his innocence, but unforgiveness and ego''s are in he way. I know God will have mercy on him but I pray he has mercy on us! PHM... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  6:14 am
"Don't Let Her Lose Her Job" I pray for my mom that is about to lose her job. She'll end up in debt because of that. She is really nervous to have to look for a new job. I pray that she'll find something fast, something better, and that she'll trust you with all that.... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  6:09 am
"Please be with my mom" God, my mom just found out she has breast cancer. I am really scared. Please be with her and help her survive it. I heard many stories of you healing people and I just ask for you to let her be one of them. She is all that I got.... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  5:39 am
"Help heal my racist heart" God, I am asking for your help to become more racially tolerant. My daughter is having a baby by a man from the opposite race and I tears me up inside soo bad that I cry sometimes at night. Please god help me over come this evil that I have inside of me against the people of another race because soon I will have to love my daughter's baby no matter what. I really hope that you can let this baby be the lesson I need to help myself.... Full Message


Aug 29,2016  5:32 am
"Please Pray 4 Me" Plz Pray for my children. An that we can be together soon. PHM...


Aug 28,2016  7:56 pm
"Family Prayer" dear lord jesus, i need your help, you have seen my struggles, since my husband passed, you have seen me go without food in order for me to pay the bills, please lord heavenly father i as this prayer in jesus name, help me find another place to live one that i can afford to live in, my landlords brother is taking over the property in which i live in, and he wants to raise the rent and or force me to move, please help me... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  7:52 pm
"The Mountain Mover" GOD, please help me to stay focused on YOU, the mountain mover. My son is home from rehab and struggling with depression. He did so well while at the facility and after being home 2 weeks he is struggling...not using but struggling. It is more than I can bear to watch and then I am reminded that you are the GREAT MOUNTAIN MOVER and that YOUR timing is perfect. Please heal my son. Give him a clear mind so he can honor you. PHM... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  7:47 pm
"Make me over God"  God Im just asking for your guidance. Continue to Bless me the way you have. Forgive me for my sins. Pray for my family and friends and guide them also. I know my financial situation will get better and you will lead me to that special individual. Amen!... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  7:05 pm
"Jacob my baby, Please help me"  I''m 17 and pregnant but most of all I am scared.  The doctors said that the baby will be born with complications. I don\\''t know what to do. I have no job, all of my friends do not want to talk to me anymore, and my mother just tells me its all my fault. I feel really alone and I''m soo stressed about my baby Jacob. I really need some prayer and I just hope that their is someone praying for me besides myself. ... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  7:00 pm
"Dems or Reps just make it good"  Normally I do not pray for Politics. But Please help guide the country back on the right path. I don\\''t care who is in office Dems or Reps, I just want things to get better so that my daughter can have a life that is better than my own.... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  6:58 pm
"Sidney"  I have a daughter name Sidney who has been in and out of jail for the past 4years. She was on the run for 3 months and they picked her up and took her to jail. She has court tomorrow on what they are going to do with her. She was on meth for the past two months. When i saw her she look like she was on deaths door. It killed me on the end side to see my daughter this way. Please pray for her to get threw this and God has his hand in this. ... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  6:58 pm
"Just wisdom"  I feel very lost in this moment I have been living by the book not breaking any laws or doing anything wrong, I only wish for an honest job so I can help put food on the table and not have to leave school and at least make enough so we can buy at least one good pair of pant this year! I'm tired of sowing up are old pant's there only so many times you can do this! I not looking for wealth, Just wisdom!... Full Message


Aug 28,2016  6:55 pm
"My Son" Please watch over my son. He is not hanging with the right group of friends and he is starting to act out at school and at home. I do not know what to do with him but I am asking for you guidance. Please give me the strength to be a good mother and help me guide my son back onto the right path.... Full Message


Aug 27,2016  7:11 am
"Help" God please help my child. They were injured in a car accident yesterday and I need you to be with them. Please everyone pray for Danny....


Mar 06,2012  5:13 am
"God Please Help Us Teach the Kids" I think the best thing to teach our kids is how to pray. So many people have pushed this aside to the back of their mind that they forget to teach their kids how to have a relationship with God. Praying is by far the best weapon of survival we have against anything challenge we cross. And I also think that is up to us to live by examples and show our kids what it is like to walk in faith. I strongly believe that we can all teach our kids to survive through the story of Us by actually leaving a story of Us behind so that they know and can see the power of God in the lives we live.... Full Message


Feb 29,2012  12:24 pm
"Starting a Family" Dear God, I am married to a wonderful husband who is a God fearing man, that is an excellent supporter, and the best husband that any woman could ask for. He is the most unselfish person that I have ever met and would give his left arm for me. He literally treats me like a queen. Well, we are desperately trying to start a family now but a couple of months ago I was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes and ended up in ICU with a blood sugar of 980. The nurse said that I should have been in a coma. Well because of this the doctor told us that we really should try to wait a while before we try to conceive. I feel like my dreams have been taken right out from under me and now I less than a wife because I can not give my husband the one thing that he wants the most. He is very supportive and never pressures me about it but, I really want to start a family with my husb... Full Message