

Dec 22,2011  7:30 am
"Love to Love" I have a problem. I love to be in love. I would normally feel like being in love is a good thing but for me it is not. I always end up getting my heartbroken and falling for guys who are not good for me or unfaithful. maybe my picker is off, but whatever it is I always end up hurt and then find myself rushing into another relationship to get hurt again. Please help... Full Message


Dec 21,2011  3:40 pm
"Confused" I'm unsure about everything...I love him but I love You too, and he doesn't share my faith. Do you care? Did you really tell me that I should be with him that one night, or was I pretending to hear what I wanted to? Are you even real, because I feel really alone in this. I'm really anxious about everything, school, home, my parents, and I just want to go back to being a little kid again where I didn't worry about everything. Life's really confusing and all mixed up, and I don't know who to be faithful to or what to do. I love you, Maggie Lou... Full Message

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